Message from the Program Directors

Welcome to the Pathology Residency Training Program at Duke University Medical Center, and thank you for your interest in our program.

Duke Health is a major provider of health care in North Carolina and in the Southeastern USA.  U.S. News consistently rates Duke University Hospital the top hospital in North Carolina and among the top twenty hospitals in the nation. The clinical, research and academic resources of the Medical Center and the Department of Pathology provide outstanding training opportunities in anatomic and clinical pathology. The educational experience in our AP/CP residency is enhanced by exceptional surgical pathology and cytopathology material and expert faculty who prioritize the education of our residents. Our laboratories provide state of the art expertise and support for molecular and other diagnostic modalities. Our program is enlivened by an enthusiastic team of dedicated residents and fellows. Financial support to pursue laboratory research is available to applicants interested in developing an academic career.

Thomas J. Cummings, MD, 2025

Thomas J. Cummings, MD
Program Director 

Carolyn Glass, MD PhD

Carolyn Glass, MD, PhD
Associate Director
Anatomic Pathology 

Anand Lagoo, MD, PhD

Anand Lagoo, MD, PhD
Associate Director
Clinical Pathology