Graduate students are admitted to the Pathology program through on-line applications to the Graduate School. The graduate students are evaluated by a Departmental Admissions Committee consisting of 4-5 Graduate faculty selected by the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS). The selection of graduate students to be interviewed is done through a holistic process using a rubric created by the Office of Biomedical Graduate Education and is based on several criteria: Research Experience ( 20%), Academic Rating ( 20%), Personal Statement ( 20%), Letters of Reference,( 20%), Contribution to Community ( 20%).
Based on the evaluation of the Admissions Committee, we typically invite about 6 students for on campus interviews. Most of these students are located in the US. In the case of outstanding foreign applicants, we conduct a telephone interview. Most of the students invited for interviews participate in a single visit over 2-3 weekdays (e.g. Wednesday – Friday). Each prospective student has one or more current graduate students who serve as host. During the visit, the prospective student will meet the Admissions Committee at a formal dinner on the first night, and the next day begin formal interviews with selected members of the Admission Committee, the Chairman and any other faculty that the applicant has asked to meet with. The prospective student also attends the weekly Thursday seminar series where they get a chance to hear a current student describe his/her research in progress, followed by a reception with all current students and Graduate Faculty. That evening, the current students host the visiting applicants for a fun experience of Downtown Durham. As time allows, prospective students also get a campus tour, downtown tours, etc offered by the DGSA and/or current graduate student hosts. The Pathology faculty members and students who have met with the prospective candidate write a short evaluation of each student using a holistic evaluation rubric that is then used to determine a final decision concerning admissions.
Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports
The Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report include institutional policies concerning campus safety and security, as well as statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on Duke University property and on public property adjacent to campus and fires that have occurred in residence halls. A copy of these Reports can be obtained by contacting the Duke Police Department at 919-684-4602 or writing to 502 Oregon Street, Durham, N.C., 27708, or by accessing: https://police.duke.edu/news-stats/clery