Core Faculty and Liaisons
- Jiaoti Huang, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Pathology, Genitourinary Pathology
- Rex Bentley, M.D., Faculty Liaison Pathologists’ Assistant Program, Senior Vice Chair, Professor, General Surgical, Gynecologic and Breast Pathology
- Diana Cardona, M.D., Medical Director Pathologists’ Assistant Program, Associate Professor, Director of Surgical Pathology Laboratory, Gastrointestinal and Orthopedic Pathology
- Elizabeth Boswell, M.D., Assistant Professor, Surgical Pathology; Chief Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Service, Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center
- Amy Lark, Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology
- Michelle P. Johnson, MHS, PA(ASCP)CM, Program Director and Educational Coordinator, Consulting Associate, Department of Pathology, Director of Admissions, Staff Pathologists’ Assistant and Instructor in Surgical and Autopsy Pathology
- Emily Wagner, M.H.S., PA(ASCP)CM, Managing Pathologists’ Assistant – Departments of Surgical and Autopsy Pathology, Speaker, Laboratory Management and Technologies
- Allison Topper, M.H.S., PA(ASCP)CM, Course Coordinator/Clinical Liaison in Surgical Pathology, Staff Pathologists’ Assistant and Preceptor, Surgical Pathology
- Matthew Bovender, M.H.S., PA(ASCP)CM, Wellness Liaison, Staff Pathologists’ Assistant and Preceptor, Surgical Pathology
- Jonathan Chen, M.H.S., PA(ASCP)CM, Gross Lecture Liaison, Social Media Liaison, Staff Pathologists’ Assistant and Preceptor, Surgical Pathology
- Meridith Hennessey, M.H.S., PA(ASCP)CM, Course Coordinator/Clinical Liaison in Autopsy Pathology, Staff Pathologists’ Assistant and Preceptor, Autopsy Pathology
- Nicole Tomsho, M.H.S., PA (ASCP)CM, Staff Pathologists’ Assistant and Preceptor, Autopsy and Surgical Pathology
- Jess McMahon, M.H.S., PA (ASCP), Staff Pathologists’ Assistant and Preceptor, Autopsy and Surgical Pathology
- Ayumi Deeny, M.H.S., PA(ASCP)CM, Staff Pathologists’ Assistant and Preceptor, Surgical Pathology
- Nicholas Tofolo, M.H.S, PA(ASCP)CM, Staff Pathologists’ Assistant and Preceptor, Surgical Pathology
- Steve Holmes, M.H.S., PA(ASCP)CM, Staff Pathologists’ Assistant and Instructor, UNC Surgical Pathology
- Michelle Bartlett, MHS, PA (ASCP), Staff Pathologists’ Assistant and Instructor, UNC Autopsy Pathology
- Fern Szulgit, M.H.S, PA(ASCP)CM, Course Coordinator/Clinical Liaison in Surgical Pathology, Staff Pathologists’ Assistant and Preceptor, Duke Regional Surgical Pathology
- Niko Wolfe, M.H.S., PA(ASCP)CM, Staff Pathologists’ Assistant and Preceptor, Duke Regional Surgical Pathology
- Steven R. Conlon, Photography Instructor and Photography Course Coordinator, Sr. Medical Photographer, PhotoPath
- Scott Whittington, M.H.S., PA(ASCP)CM, Course Coordinator/Clinical Liaison in Surgical Pathology, GPA Laboratories
- Kelly Mahan, MHS, PA (ASCP), Clinical Liaison in OCME Forensic Pathology