The Duke Molecular Genetic Pathology (MGP) Fellowship combines advanced clinical training in a high volume, high complexity molecular diagnostics laboratory with myriad opportunities to further academic interests. Training occurs primarily on the main campus of Duke University Hospital in the combined Molecular Pathology, Genetics and Genomics (MPGG) clinical laboratory that processes nearly 17,000 samples for cytogenetic and molecular testing annually. Fellows are exposed to a wide variety of constitutional and oncologic testing using over 50 assays including:
- Comprehensive genomic profiling (solid tumor)
- NGS and Sanger sequencing (hematologic malignancy, solid tumor, and constitutional)
- RNA-based fusion panels (hematologic malignancy, solid tumor)
- Clonality studies by NGS (T-cell, B-cell, IGH somatic hypermutation)
- Microarray analysis (constitutional and solid tumor)
- Methylation assays (PWS/AS, MLH1 promoter)
- Carrier screening (cystic fibrosis, hemochromatosis, SMA, Fragile X, etc.)
- qPCR (BCR/ABL1 quantification, somatic mutation detection)
- STR analysis (bone marrow engraftment, MSI, sample identity, molar pregnancy)
- Cytogenetics assays including karyotyping and FISH (hematologic malignancy, solid tumor, constitutional)
Program Overview
- Positions offered per year: One
- Program duration: 1 year
- Accrediting body: Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
Eligibility Requirements
Prior successful completion of an ACGME accredited AP/CP, AP, or CP Pathology residency training program. Applicants who have completed 3 years of a 4-year AP/CP program will be considered on a case by case basis.
Additional links pertaining to eligibility requirements:
Additional links pertaining to MGP certification through the ABP
- American Board of Pathology pathway to certification
- Requirements for certification – Molecular Genetic Pathology
Selective Service System Registration:
- All male applicants (as determined by gender assigned at birth for purposes of this requirement) who are US citizens or immigrants must have registered with the Selective Service System within 30 days of their 18th birthday, or arrival date into the USA. Individuals are eligible to register until the age of 26. Failure to register is a violation of federal law, and can face significant penalties, including loss of eligibility for citizenship for immigrants. Individuals who have not registered are not eligible for a variety of benefits including federal student aid, federal job training, and any job in the Executive Branch of the government (e.g. VA, Medicare, federal prisons), and are not allowed to work in federal facilities even as a resident or fellow.
- Most Duke GME programs require rotations at federal facilities such as VA hospitals or prisons. All trainees in those programs must be eligible to work at those facilities. All applicants should ensure that they have registered for the Selective Service System if appropriate. If they have not registered, they should discuss this with their potential program director. Additional details can be found at https://www.sss.gov.
Important Dates*
- 2024-2025 Fellowship: Filled
- 2025-2026 Fellowship: Filled
- 2026-2027 Fellowship: Open
Applications open: October 1, 2024
First interview date: January 1, 2025
Match opens for registration: February 5, 2025
Ranking opens: March 12, 2025
Rank list certification deadline: April 16, 2025
MGP Match Day: April 30, 2025
The Duke MGP program is excited to participate in the inaugural Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship NRMP Match for the 2026-2027 appointment year. A list of all the programs participating in the Match can be found on the AMP website. An FAQ document on the match process written for applicants is also available on that website.
Please send us your application materials including as detailed below. We will be in touch to schedule interviews, which will take place starting January 2025. You will need to register for the Pathology Fellowship Match in February 2025 with the NRMP here and can rank programs participating in the match with which you have interviewed.
How to Apply
Submit the following requested documents:
- Cover Letter
- MGP Application
- Personal statement
- Curriculum Vitae
- ECFMG certificate (if applicable)
- Copies of USMLE/COMLEX transcripts
- Three letters of recommendation (including one from residency program director)
Address letters of recommendation to:
Jadee Neff, MD, PhD
Director, Molecular Genetic Pathology fellowship program, Department of Pathology
Duke University Health System
40 Duke Medicine Circle
Durham, NC 27710
Email your package to Program Coordinator Brittany Harris.
All applications are considered without regard to race, religion, gender, or national origin.
Commensurate with the year of postgraduate training.
Current Fellow

Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship
Program Coordinator

Brittany Harris
Program Coordinator
Department of Pathology
Box 3712 DUMC
Durham, NC 27710