The Donald B. Hackel Fellowship in Cardiovascular Pathology
Donald B. Hackel, MD, and his wife, Irene Hackel, were part of the fabric of Duke University Medical Center for decades.
Cummings Elected to APC PRODS Council
Thomas J. Cummings, MD, Residency Program Director and Professor of Pathology and Ophthalmology, has been elected to the Association of Pathology Chairs (APC) Residency Program Directors Section (PRODS) Council as Member-at-Large from 2020-2021.
Welcoming Dr. Randall Reynolds to Our Faculty
Please join me in welcoming Randall Reynolds, DVM, MS to the Department of Pathology as an Associate Professor.
Dr. Mathias Leblanc Joins Faculty
It is with great pleasure that I welcome Mathias Leblanc, DVM PhD, who joins our Department as Associate Professor in Pathology and an Associate Director for the Division of Laboratory Animal Resources (DLAR).
Jiang Presents at September ASCP Virtual Meeting
Xiaoyin "Sara" Jiang, MD was an invited speaker at the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Annual Meeting which was held September 9-12 virtually.
2021 Virtual Residency Interview and Match Season Kick-Off
Please join us to kick-off the 2021 Virtual Residency Interview and Match Season!
Hale Awarded 5-Year Grant for Thymus Studies
Laura Hale, MD PhD has received a five-year grant award through the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases as part of a program project to determine mechanisms that control distinct growth and functional characteristics of the perinatal and adult thymus.
Glass Receives Duke-Coulter Translational Partnership Grant
The Duke-Coulter Partnership supports collaborative translational research projects that involve co-investigators from Duke Biomedical Engineering (ranked #3 in the country) and a Clinical Department of Duke Health.
Chen Receives National Cancer Institute R50 Research Specialist Award
Zhong Chen, PhD has received a five-year National Cancer Institute (NCI) R50 Research Specialist (Laboratory-based Scientist) Award.
Residents Woroniecka and Wang Join Lefkowitz Society
Congratulations to our first-year residents Karolina Woroniecka, MD PhD and Bangchen Wang, MD PhD, who were selected to join the Robert J. Lefkowitz Society.