The Liver/Transplantation Surgical Pathology Section is comprised of a diverse group of dedicated diagnosticians, educators and researchers. We provide clinical excellence for a wide variety of both non-neoplastic and neoplastic diseases involving the liver and biliary tract. Our research interests are broad and include a spectrum of diagnostic and translational aspects of tumors and benign chronic liver diseases.
Avani Pendse, MD, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Pathology specializing in gastro-intestinal and genito-urinary surgical pathology and cytopathology. Dr. Pendse completed her residency, cytopathology fellowship and surgical pathology instructorship at UNC, Chapel Hill and came to Duke in 2017. Her research pursuits include investigation to improve the morphologic and proteomic based understanding of gastro-intestinal disease. In her role as the Associate Director of Proteomics of the Duke BioRepository and Precision Pathology Center, she is currently focused on developing multiplex immunohistochemistry panels to study immunologic and oncologic diseases.
Chanjuan Shi, MD, PhD, is a GI/Liver pathologist. She has over a decade of experience in liver pathology, including medical, transplant and neoplastic liver diseases. Her other areas of interest include digestive neuroendocrine tumor and pancreaticobiliary pathology.