Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Why diversity matters to us

Duke Pathology has a sincere commitment to the recruitment, retention and development of a diverse group of faculty, staff and trainees, with particular attention to underrepresented minorities and women. We recognize that creating a welcoming environment for different perspectives and backgrounds is essential to our success, because it allows space for individuals to collaborate and thrive. We are committed to helping dismantle racism in all forms, and encourage our Department members to speak openly, honestly, and without retribution about their experiences, and to offer ideas for improvement. Vice Chair of EDI Danielle Elliott Range, MD, leads the department's EDI Committee. For more information about the committee, please email Tracy Watson.

Duke Medical Students from Diverse Backgrounds Share their Experiences


Duke Pathology hosts an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee Book Club, which is open to members of the Pathology Department and Clinical Laboratories. The Book Club supports the EDI Committee’s mission to help dismantle racism in all forms, and encourages Department members to speak openly, honestly, and without retribution about their experiences, and to offer ideas for improvement. 

At each meeting, members are invited to sit around a table to discuss a book that is centered on a topic related to diversity in the workplace and beyond. It offers a safe, confidential space for coworkers to ask questions, discuss difficult topics, and share about their backgrounds. The Committee hosts two book clubs every year, and offers free copies of the book - purchased from a local, minority-owned book store- to the first 20 members to RSVP for the events. 

At the inaugural book club on June 8th, 2022, 15 Committee members met in person to discuss Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man, by Emmanuel Acho. Former Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Co-Leader Anne Buckley, MD, PhD, suggested the book and helped lead the conversation. Participants enjoyed sharing about their backgrounds, and had an open, honest conversation centered on the book. Avani Pendse, MD, PhD, and Wen-Chi Foo, MD, hosted the event on behalf of the Committee, and Senior Business Manager, Pamela Harris, Staff Committee Co-Leader (along with Staff Director Kelly Macklin), arranged for refreshments.

On Oct. 25th, 2022, it met for second time to discuss reactions, discoveries and questions about the various topics covered in Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People, by Anthony Greenwald and Mahzarin Banaji. The third book club meeting was held on May 31st, 2023, to discuss Melinda Gates' book, Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World. On Oct. 5th, 2023, the book club met to discuss Interior Chinatown, by Charles Yu. On May 13th, 2024, it met for a fifth time to talk about The Night Watchman, by Louise Erdrich.  The Committee also offers ad-hoc gatherings in between these biannual events to continue conversations about the books discussed, for those who want to continue the conversation.

Diversify in Path podcast episode 18, featuring Pathology Professor Andrea Deyrup, MD, PhD
Dr. Andrea Deyrup Takes Aim at Race-Based Medicine: In October 2021, Dr. Deyrup started a YouTube channel and website featuring videos on race in medicine based, in part, on her work as a co-editor revising  the 10th edition of Robbins Basic Pathology with Drs. Vinay Kumar, Abul Abbas and Jon Aster. Dr. Graves is also serving as a consultant for that work, to ensure that the focus on equity is supported by the scientific data. You can link to the videos from Dr. Deyrup’s website, www.pathologycentral.org. Based on her findings, she created a Grand Rounds that she presented to the Duke Pathology department in March of 2021 called “Race in Robbins, Data or Distraction?” Follow Dr. Deyrup on Twitter @ATDeyrupMDPhD.


Donald Love Fund Award and Application
In 1993 George Margolis, MD, with the support of Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans, chair of the Board of Trustees of the Duke Endowment, presented the idea of honoring Donald Love, one of Duke Medical Center's first Black employees, with the creation of Pathology Department Service Awards, consisting of a Lifetime Service Award and a Self-Development Award.  Initially, the recipient of the Lifetime Service Award was identified as one “whose work ethic and efforts [were] most exemplary and/or who [had] been acknowledged by peers and staff as best serving Anatomical Pathology’s mission.”  The Self-Development Award was originally distinguished “by a career of self-development through educational endeavors which [had] substantially changed the course of his or her life or career.”

Awards were given to 11 recipients between 1993 and 1997. The department reestablished the awards in February 2022. They provide financial support in the form of reimbursement to staff members enrolled in certificate or degree programs, to assist with incidental costs associated with pursuit of these programs. 

Office of Institutional Equity

The Office for Institutional Equity is a team of specialized professionals dedicated to serving the Duke University and Duke University Health System communities regarding occupational enrichment through diversity, inclusion, affirmative action, employment equity, harassment prevention, and other work-related initiatives focused on the quality of life and effort at Duke.

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School of Medicine Office of Diversity and Inclusion

The Office of Diversity & Inclusion in the Duke University School of Medicine is committed to developing and implementing  a culture of inclusion in which students, faculty and staff from diverse talent pools experience a genuine sense of belonging, engagement and achievement.

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Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity

The center strives to achieve an inclusive campus climate for students, staff, faculty, and alumnx with marginalized sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions through education, advocacy, support, mentoring, academic engagement, and providing space.

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Sexual and Gender Diversity Advisory Council

The Inclusion Council for Duke Medicine’s Sexual and Gender Diversity supports and advocates for an environment that is welcoming and affirming of LGBTQI faculty, staff, learners, allies, patients, families, and friends.

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Duke University's Diversity Toolkit

The university's one-stop resource for diversity education that provides dozens of resources to develop strategies and plans to improve inclusion and engagement on campus.

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Duke Disability Management System

The Disability Management System (DMS) provides leadership to the University and University Health System efforts to ensure an accessible, hospitable working and learning environment for people with disabilities while ensuring compliance with federal and state regulations. We serve as a centralized clearinghouse on disABILITY-related information, procedures and services.

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ME2 Black Employee Resource Group

ME2 logo

The mission of the School of Medicine's ME² (Motivate, Mentor, Educate & Empower) Black Employee Resource Group is to foster a community focused on networking, professional development, and leadership opportunities for Black staff.