Chief Resident Meg Lee, MD, PGY-3, has received the Foundation of the American Society of Cytopathology (ASC) Resident and Fellow Travel Scholarship for the American Society of Cytopathology/International Congress of Cytology Scientific Meeting, which will take place in November 2022. This highly competitive award provides significant support to attend the meeting.
“Your achievements during training demonstrate initiative, leadership, commitment, and a keen interest and love for cytopathology. These are truly commendable and worthy of recognition,” wrote Elizabeth Jenkins, Executive Director of the ASC.
“This Travel Scholarship will give me the opportunity to thrive in a field that fosters patient-centered care, promotes attention to cellular and nuclear detail, supports research, and encourages teaching,” said Lee.
At the meeting, Lee will present her research project, titled “Long-Term Follow-Up Supports Benign Behavior of ThyroSeq Negative/Low-Risk Thyroid Nodules,” in partnership with alumna Rachel Jug, MB BCh BAO, and Pathology Department members Rajesh Dash, MD, and Xiaoyin (Sara) Jiang, MD, FCAP.