Dr. Deyrup Presents on Race in Medicine at Harvard Medical School

On September 15th, Andrea Deyrup, MD, PhD, became the first Duke faculty member to present a Stanley L. Robbins Memorial Lecture at Harvard Medical School. Her hybrid lecture was titled "Race in Robbins: Data or Distraction?" It described her journey in addressing race-based medicine in the Robbins Basic Pathology textbook as well as work that remains to be done.

The Stanley L. Robbins Memorial lecture is an annual lectureship focused on medical education that honors the founding author/editor of Pathologic Basis of Disease. Deyrup is one of the co-editors of Robbins Essential Pathology, 1st edition and Robbins & Kumar Basic Pathology, 11th edition.

A combined audience of pathology trainees and faculty from the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center attended.

Click here for a recording of her presentation.

Deyrup has also address race-based medicine in other presentations and platforms, including but not limited to the following:

  • Deyrup and her colleague, Joseph Graves, Jr., PhD, were the keynote speakers at the National Board of Medical Examiners Invitational Conference for Educators (NICE) in Philadelphia on June 14, 2022.  Read more.
  • On June 30, 2022, Deyrup and Graves hosted a resident round table and presented a virtual Grand Rounds for the  American Society of Clinical Pathology titled “(Nearly) Everything You Learned About Race in Medical School is Wrong.”
  • In July, 2022, Deyrup gave the C. Bruce Alexander lecture at the Association of Pathology Chairs annual meeting in Chicago titled “But Now We See: Reviewing Race in Medicine.” View it here.
  • Deyrup hosts www.pathologycentral.org, where she posts videos on race in medicine
  • She will be presenting Grand Rounds on the topic on Sept. 23, 2022, at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Department of Medicine and on Sept. 29, 2022, for the United Toronto Health systems.
Robbins & Kumar Essential Pathology book cover
