Jinjin Wu, a fifth-year graduate student in the laboratory of Ming Chen, PhD, has been awarded a Duke University School of Medicine Office of Biomedical and Graduate Education (OBGE) and Precision Genomics Collaboratory (PGC) Pilot Grant. The goal of these grants is to support graduate students in scientific and educational efforts to bolster their graduate training experiences, and to form collaborations in genomic science between researchers and clinicians.
This $2,000 award will help Wu further her dissertation research in understanding the impact of the recurrent 10q23 chromosomal deletions on prostate tumorigenesis – also called carcinogenesis or oncogenesis, whereby normal cells transform into cancerous cells. This type of deletion occurs when a small piece of one of the 46 chromosomes is missing.
She would like to thank both OBGE and PGC for providing her with this award. Read more and see a list of awardees here.