Home town: Columbia, SC
College: Clemson University
Research: My general goal for my research is to utilize molecular genetic analytical techniques to elucidate pathobiological mechanisms of neurodegenerative disease. I hope to play a part in defining our developing understanding of the etiology and progression of neurodegeneration, and to contribute to the development therapeutic approaches which will improve the prognosis and quality of life of patients affected by it.
Career Goals: My career interests are under development as I gain research experience and explore my opportunities, but I am currently most drawn to a career path in academia. I would love the opportunity to foster my own unique research environment in which I would emphasize bridging the gap between basic science and clinical applications. Regardless of my exact path, I hope to make significant contributions to my field, and also to play a role in the training and mentorship of the scientists who come behind me.
Hobbies: I love reading all genres of books, playing board games with friends, teaching myself new pieces on the piano, and cuddling with my cat, Georgia.
Why Duke: I was drawn to Duke by its stimulating academic environment and its wealth of ongoing biomedical research. I expect my time at Duke to be filled with immense growth and enrichment!
Why Durham: I have come to love a lot about Durham. There is no shortage of delicious food and unique attractions in the immediate area, and Durham’s proximity to Raleigh, Chapel Hill, and Winston-Salem really expands the opportunity for fun and exploration!