Home town: Pittsburgh, PA
College: Houghton College
Research: My current research project centers on developing a vaccine against RNA splice variants of androgen receptor responsible for treatment resistance in prostate cancer. This work has led me to the development of a novel transgenic mouse model of prostate cancer which shows tolerance to human androgen receptor and multiple splice variants.
Career Goals: While I'm currently excited to be in academia, I've promised myself to keep the future open and could see myself staying for a postdoc or moving on to a career in industry.
Hobbies: In addition to taking care of two cats, my wife and I enjoy aquariums and have started to breed guppies. We also love hiking and camping in the area.
Why Duke: Duke's Pathology PhD Program offered the opportunity to work with many different PIs from several clinical departments. I am excited to work in a lab focused on translatable research, with strong connections to the clinic.
Why Durham: Durham has been a great place to live. I've enjoyed my time in the Triangle with plenty of restaurants, coffee shops, bars, and concert venues to explore.