Hometown: Roxboro, North Carolina
College: North Carolina State University
Research: I’m interested in (1) elucidating uncharacterized molecular mechanisms of degenerative musculoskeletal diseases and (2) developing 3D biofabrication techniques to recapitulate patient-specific musculoskeletal tissues for applications in regenerative medicine and disease therapeutics.
Career Goals: I would love to pursue a career in academia as a PI.
Hobbies: I enjoy grilling out, playing golf, and spending time outdoors.
Why Duke: I chose Duke because of the phenomenal students and faculty. The mix of clinicians and basic scientists that embody the Pathology PhD program make Duke an excellent place to pursue a PhD with a clinical or translational focus.
Why Durham: Durham offers everything you can hope to find in a big city while maintaining its small-town atmosphere. Aside from the food, breweries, and vibrant atmosphere, Durham is located just 30 minutes from my hometown allowing for me to spend time outside of the lab with family and old friends.