Qianben Wang, PhD, has accepted an invitation to serve as a member of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Cancer Molecular Pathobiology Study Section (CAMP), Center for Scientific Review (CSR), for a term from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2026.
The NIH Director extends this invitation to researchers who have demonstrated competence and achievement in their scientific discipline as evidenced by the quality of research accomplishments, publications in scientific journals, and other significant scientific activities, achievements, and honors. Service on a study section also requires mature judgment and objectivity as well as the ability to work effectively in a group.
Membership on a study section represents a major commitment of professional time and energy as well as a unique opportunity to contribute to the national biomedical research effort. Study sections review grant applications submitted to the NIH; make recommendations on the applications to the appropriate NIH national advisory council or board; and survey the status of research in their fields of science. These functions are of great value to the medical and allied research field.
Currently, all study sections at CSR are undergoing name/guidelines changes. Accordingly, CAMP study section will be renamed as Gene Regulation in Cancer (GRIC) study section starting in October 2022.