Associate Professor of Pathology Sergio Piña-Oviedo, MD, attended the International Academy of Pathology (IAP) 2024 meeting “From Precision Pathology to Patient Care,” which was held in Cancun, Mexico, from Oct. 27-31.
He was one of four invited speakers within the “History of Pathology” module, and his talk was titled “Molecular Pathology: Closing in on Our Understanding of the Genesis of Disease.” Piña-Oviedo discussed the history of the discovery of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and its structure, the parties involved in the invention of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), in situ hybridization and sequencing, and the evolution of gene sequencing to today and its impact on the field of pathology.

Pathology Professor and Senior Vice Chair David N. Howell, MD, PhD, helped plan and was one of two moderators for a pre-congress course titled “Challenging Renal Pathology Around the World.” The four-hour session was sponsored by the Renal Pathology Society and included speakers from five continents (Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, and South/Latin America) as well as an open discussion on regional and global problems in the practice and teaching of renal pathology.