Department Gathers for Annual Scientific Retreat

On Sat., Oct. 15th, Pathology Department members gathered in person for the first time since the pandemic started for the Annual Scientific Retreat at 21C Museum Hotel in downtown Durham. Jiaoti Huang, MD, PhD, opened and closed the retreat, with Thomas J. Cummings, MD, moderating the morning session and Soman Abraham, PhD, moderating the afternoon session.

George Michalopoulos, MD, PhD, who runs one of the most successful pathology departments in the country at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and UPMC, was the keynote speaker. Fred Sanfilippo, MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor, namesake of our Fred and Janet Sanfilippo Fellowship in Surgical Pathology and Resident Research Award, was a special guest. 12 department members presented 20-minute talks.

“Because of the nature of our work, we don’t see each other often, so we decided collectively to get together for events like these, where we can see what each other is doing,” said Huang. “Thank you to Dr. Michalopoulos, a loyal Blue Devil who proposed some great solutions when we reached out to him to review our department.”

During the retreat, several department members were recognized with awards during the event. Huang was presented with a plaque to show the department’s appreciation for his inspiring leadership. Herman Staats, PhD, Vice Chair for Research, received a plaque recognizing his dedication and tireless effort in service of the department. Michalopoulos received a plaque for his unwavering support of Duke Pathology.

In addition, Ming Chen, PhD, and Carolyn Glass, MD, PhD, both received Early Career Research Achievement Awards in recognition of their excellence in departmental service and research achievements. William Butler, PhD candidate, was awarded for his exceptional service to the Pathology PhD Graduate Program and Duke community.

We enjoyed an afternoon cocktail social, featuring a poster session and awards. Congratulations to the following poster awardees who were given $1,000 to be used for conference travel:

  • Evangeline Bao- PhD student
    • “A Mast Cell-Thermoregulatory Neuron Circuit Axis Regulates Hypothermia in Anaphylaxis”
  • Zhifen Cui, PhD- Post Doctoral
    •  “Cas13d knockdown of lung protease Ctsl prevents and treats SARS-CoV-2 infection"
  • Ashley Rose Scholl PGY2 Resident / Kristen Logan- Chief Resident (a first-place tie, so they split the award)
    • Dr. Logan’s poster: “Clinicopathologic Features of Non-Type 1 and Non-Type 2 Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumors and Their Associated Mucosal Changes”
    • Dr. Scholl’s poster: “MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry Differentiates Basal Cell Carcinoma from Trichoblastoma and Trichoepithelioma”

“I have benefitted from these retreats, and encourage everyone to meet new people today,” said Cummings who, in addition to moderating, presented “Neural Tube Defects: A Possible Animal Model.”

We appreciate everyone who worked behind the scenes to make this retreat a reality. Meg Atchison and Pamela Harris were the main event organizers, and were supported by of Ebony Ambrose, Jawanna Bell, Ginger Griffin, Amy Orange, Kesha Tisdel, and others who worked hard to ensure we had a wonderful event.

Drs. San Filiippo, Huang, Howell, Michalopoulos

Left to right: Dr. Sanfilippo, Dr. Huang, David Howell, MD, PhD, Dr. Michalopoulos

*Pictured at top of article from left to right: Pamela Harris, Dr. Abraham, Amy Orange, Dr. Huang, Dr. Logan, Dr. Cummings
