1. Margaret Harris, Cytotechnologist |
7. The late Edward H. Bossen, MD, Professor Emeritus of Pathology |
13. Marion Fine, Cytology Administrator |
19. Patricia Last Name Unknown, Cytotechnologist |
2. Patricia Ashton,Cytotechnologist |
8. John Spahr |
14. Carolyn Rogers, the Department's 2nd cytotechnician |
20. Sheila Mitchener |
3. Sandra P. Bigner, MD, Professor Emeritus |
9. Richard Draffin |
15. Unknown |
21. Patsy Elmore, Cytotechnologist |
4. Unknown |
10. Becky Ford, the Department's 1st Cytopreparatory Technician |
16. Judy Carrol, Cytotechnologist |
22. Unknown |
5. William Webb Johnston, MD, Division of Cytology Founder and Chief for 25 years |
11. Rosiland Wallace, Cytotechnologist |
17. Marion Holmes, Cytotechnologist |
23. Unknown |
6. Susan Moore, Cytotechnologist |
12. Diane Evans, Administrative Assistant |
18. Unknown |
24. Susan Ferguson, Cytotechnologist |
25. Unknown |